samedi 7 juillet 2007

EWC Special Meeting - France position

The EWC special meeting due to take place next week will consider the Hyperion acquisition, the On Demand Reorganisation, and the EWC Kick off.
Regarding the On Demand reorganisation, the FR Rep mandate to be confirmed next week during the Local Work's Council meeting, should be as follows :

  1. What are the employement perspectives in support within Europe and Egypt (existing positions, forcasts, country per country distribution, critical capabilities...)
  2. From an expert perspectives, what are the sensible alternate projects ?
  3. What are the projects economics - Revenue&Margin per country, Cost breakdown
  4. What is the expected Return on Investments and associated business plan.
  5. What are the quality sustaining processes. What are the existing figures ?
  6. What are the minimal conditions offered to employees loosing their jobs EMEA wide ?
  7. Will the associated costs be cross charged to Oracle Corp ?
    What are the forseenable impacts on remaing employees "Compensation and Benefits" ?
  8. What are the different scenarios regarding the possible social impacts ?
  9. Country per Country Equity conditions regarding access to EMEA positions ?
  10. Roumania On Demand hiring history details

We do expect the EWC to provide a detailled position regarding its position to the proposed collective redundancy. In fact, people are beeing made redundant by hiring new collegues in Roumania...

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