vendredi 23 mars 2018

Firing Older workers -- only happening at IBM ?

You may find interesting to read this breaking news regarding IBM - A Grey Hair Exit Strategy ?

"AS IBM TRAINED ITS SIGHTS on younger workers, it also took steps to change the way it dealt with those who’d spent many years on the job. It embraced a legal strategy that made it much easier for the company to dismiss older workers, and to do so in ways that minimized legal consequences and largely avoided public attention."

The full article is here, from Propublica

Something that would never happen with Oracle ?
Or maybe this is already happening : Read this on

vendredi 2 mars 2018

Oracle Employee Voices Raising

Where can we find employee representatives within Oracle ?

European Union and its European Works Council, covering Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Solvakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK.
Most of those country are also running Local Works Councils, and can sustain the kick-off of new Local Works Councils.

The last EWC Annual Meeting Communique is available here. A new meeting will occur in March 2018.

Outside EU, we can find Employee representation in South Korea, and many other countries soon ?

Let's all agree there's much to do.

You want to build more organized employee feedback to management ?

Contact us on twitter - We're reactivating our English speaking line NOW !